Ground Improvement Techniques by P. Purushothama Raj Textbook Free Download in PDF
Ground Improvement Techniques by P. Purushothama Raj Textbook Free Download in PDF. Ground Improvement Techniques is one of the textbook for Engineering Students. This Textbook will useful to most of the students who were prepared for competitive Exams.
About Ground Improvement Techniques
Rapid urban and industrial growth demands more land for further development. In order to meet this demand land reclamation and utilization of unsuitable and environmentally affected lands have been taken up. These, hitherto useless lands for construction have been converted to be useful ones by adopting one or more ground improvement techniques.The field of ground improvement techniques has been recognized as an important and rapidly expanding one. The rate of growth of these techniques and the overwhelming information available urged the author for compilation of information in the subject in a book form.In the book of a general treatment of the subject is made with due emphasis on practical aspects with limited theoretical treatment wherever necessary. A large number of case histories have been discussed and most modern techniques have been included.This book is not very exhaustive and aimed at the practising engineers and post graduate students who want alternative approaches for a problem and also want to be sure that they are aware of the recent developments.This book is of immense use for Structural and Foundation Engineers, Contractors and Construction Engineers, Architects, State and Central Design Offices and as textbook for Post Graduate Students of different disciplines of Civil Engineering. It is also a useful Reference book for General, Technical and University Libraries. Ground Improvement Techniques Textbook Pdf Free Download.