Surveying Engineering Books Free Download Pdf
Surveying Engineering books free download for Civil Engineering. SE is one of the Important Subject in the Civil Engineering Department. Many Universities Like Jntu, JntuA, JntuK, JntuH, Andhra, Vssut, Sri Venkateswara University(SVU) following these books for reference Purpose. Students who were eagerly waiting to improve their knowledge in Surveying Engineering must follow these books. Surveying Engineering Books are also useful to students who were preparing for Competitive Exams like GATE, College Entrance Exams, etc.
About Surveying Engineering
Surveying is defined as “taking a general view of, by observation and measurement determining the boundaries, size, position, quantity, condition, value, etc. of land, estates, building, farms mines, etc. and finally presenting the survey data in a suitable form”. This covers the work of the valuation surveyor, the quantity surveyor, the building surveyor, the mining surveyor and so forth, as well as the land surveyor. Another school of thought
Another school of thought defines surveying “as the act of making the measurement of the relative position of natural and manmade features on the earth’s surface and the presentation of this information either graphically or numerically. The process of surveying is therefore in three stages namely:
The process of surveying is therefore in three stages namely: Taking a general view.
Taking a general view
This part of the definition is important as it indicates the need to obtain an overall picture of what is required before any type of survey work is undertaken. In land surveying, this is achieved during the reconnaissance study.
Observation and Measurement
This part of the definition denotes the next stage of any survey, which in land surveying constitutes the measurement to determine the relative position and sizes of natural and artificial features on the land.
Presentation of Data:
The data collected in any survey must be presented in a form which allows the information to be clearly interpreted and understood by others. This presentation may take the form of a written report, bills of quantities, data sheets, drawings and in land surveying maps and plan showing the features on the land.
Surveying Engineering Books Index for Reference Purpose
- Engineering Surveying By W. Schofield And M. Breach (6th Edition).
- Fundamentals Of Surveying By S.K. Roy.
- Engineering Surveying By W. Schofield – Pdf (5th Edition).
- Surveying – Problem Solving With Theory And Objective Type Questions By Dr. A.M. Chandra.
- Surveying Textbook by Dr. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kr. Jain and Arun Kr.
- Surveying Volume -1 Textbook by S.K Duggal.
- Surveying Volume -2 Textbook by S.K Duggal.
This is the full information about the Surveying Engineering Books. If you have any doubts, please let us know.