Name of the Book: Electrical Power Systems textbook by Ashfaq Husain
Author(s) Name: Ashfaq Husain
Name of the Publisher: ——
Book Format: PDF
Book Language: English
Electrical Power Systems textbook by Ashfaq Husain Pdf Free Download. This book will useful to most of the students who were prepared for Competitive Exams.
Table of Contents
- load characteristics.
- supply system.
- conductors.
- power cables.
- line insulators and supports.
- sag and tension.
- line parameters.
- per unit representation.
- short and medium lines.
- long transmission lines.
- general network constants.
- power circle diagrams.
- control of voltage and reactive power.
- load flow analysis.
- economic operation of power systems.
- symmetrical faults.
- symmetrical components.
- unsymmetrical faults.
- power system stability.
- travelling waves.
- overvoltage protection.
- corona.
- high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission.
- system neutral grounding.
- tariffs.
- power factor improvement.
- voltage stability.
- flexible AC. transmission systems(FACTS).
Electrical Power Systems textbook by Ashfaq Husain Pdf Free Download. If you have any doubts related to the Electrical Engineering books, Please comment below.