Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice textbook by William Stallings Free Download

Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice textbook by William Stallings Free Download, is an authoritative text for computer science and networking professionals. The book covers the basics of the science of encryption and network security technology. It takes readers through the various risks that networks are faced with in this day and age, focussing on the various vulnerabilities of systems. This new edition showcases the latest block cipher modes of operation, including authenticated encryption. In addition it also contains revised and expanded coverage of AES, pseudorandom number generation, federated identity, HTTPS, Secure Shell (SSH) and wireless network security. It also has completely rewritten and updated coverage of IPsec; and contains a new chapter on legal and ethical issues which explain the backend of network security. It is an indispensable resource for all networking professionals.

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Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice textbook by William Stallings Free Download